G-J993BHFS11 UA-190941559-1
Showing 6 Result(s)

How To Take Better Care of Your Beard & Your Skin Underneath

Thanks to the pandemic and working from home, lots of men seized the opportunity to skip their morning shave and cultivate some facial hair. If you’re one them, are you taking care of your beard AND the skin underneath? You put thought into your hair care (if not, I see …

Reading Eye Glasses
Great Gadgets, Hers, His, Simplify

Get Great Readers & Blue-Light Blocking Glasses For Home & On The Go

Getting old sucks. My vision, among other things, is going. My husband and I now need reading glasses at home and on the go to see anything with small print – the mail, a menu, product labels, etc. We have progressed to the point that we have reading glasses strewn about …

Propane Flame Wind Guard

Tips For Buying The Best Outdoor Propane Heater & Fire Pit

Extend your time spent outdoors with a propane fire pit and/or standing patio heater. Unlike wood, propane produces no smoke or smell, and heat is quick and easy to access. Just open the propane valve, press the igniter button and voilà, you have fire! Here are my tips for buying …

Mailbox Light
Great Gadgets, Upside Down

Why You Need a Mailbox Light

Yup, you read that right…a mailbox light. Or, more specifically, a motion-activated LED light for inside your mailbox. I can read your mind; you don’t think you need this. But if you have a mailbox, you need a mailbox light. I didn’t know I needed it either, that is, until …

Wood Burning Fire Pit

The Best Wood Burning Fire Pits & Heaters

Keeping warm outside is tricky business. It’s not like you can heat the great outdoors like you would a room in your home, which is why you need a wood-burning fire pit or other source of radiant heat. In my post about Indoor/Outdoor Radiant Heaters, I explain how radiant heat works …

Inside, Outside

The Best Indoor / Outdoor Radiant Heaters

Why, you may ASK, is it better to use a radiant heater outside than a convection heater? Well, when I researched the heck out of space heaters, this is what I learned. How Radiant Heaters Work For starters, all infrared heaters are radiant heaters. Radiant heaters transfer thermal energy to …

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