G-J993BHFS11 UA-190941559-1
Showing 2 Result(s)
Great Gadgets, Hers, His, Simplify

The Best Travel Accessories & Tips To Make Traveling Easier & More Enjoyable

Whether you’re traveling near or far, for business or pleasure, I have some of the best travel accessories and tips to make traveling easier and more enjoyable. I’ve broken them down into the categories listed below. Feel free to jump to the items that interest you most. TIP: Since remembering …


Shapewear Is Still In Style

Gone is the day of the girdle and the claustrophobic corset, but shapewear is still in style and, thankfully, much more comfortable. Since the beginning of time, women have been utilizing shapewear to cinch their waists and smooth their curves. A friend asked me to recommend shapewear that won’t roll …

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