G-J993BHFS11 UA-190941559-1
Showing 24 Result(s)

Why It’s Important To Give Your Dog New Toys

New toys are important for your dog’s development, providing both mental and physical stimulation. The importance of giving your dog new toys caught my attention when ordered a Bark Box subscription for my dog, Cosmo. When the first box arrived, I couldn’t get over how excited Cosmo was about the …

Hers, His

Better Beauty Sleep With Silk & Satin Pillowcases

Silk vs. Satin: Which Is Better for Protecting Your Hair and Improving Your Skin While You Sleep, and Why? If you haven’t heard, sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase can protect your hair and improve your skin. Sign me up! I mean, who doesn’t want to prevent hair breakage, …

Simplify, Upside Down

How To Remove Grease & Oil Stains From Clothes With Household Items

I learned how to remove grease and oil stains from clothes with household items! I recently discovered grease or oil stains on my favorite brown tank top. No idea what I got on myself. I was so upset I didn’t notice the stains until I was doing my laundry, which …


The Best Heat Protectants for Your Type of Hair & How You Style It

And Why You Need to Use Them Have you ever asked yourself if you need to use a heat protectant with your hot tools? And, if so, which one? I know I have. This is why I did a deep dive on the subject and found the best heat protectants …

Hers, His, Upside Down

Raise Your Hand If You’re A Lefty

I’m not left-handed but some of my favorite people are – shoutout to my mom! In fact, only 10-12% of the population are lefties. So they deserve some recognition, which happens every August 13th. This year (2022), will be the 30th year celebrating Left Hander’s Day! You can find out …


The Hottest Nail Polish Trends For Summer 2022

I’ve Got The Hottest Nail Colors and Trending Designs For Your Fingers and Toes I’m a polish person. My fingers and toes are always painted so I’m forever on the lookout for new colors and trends. This summer, the hottest nail polish trends are soft pastels and loud neons. But …


The Best Non-Slip, No-Show Socks for Women

Do you love no-show socks but hate when they slide down? Me too. I’ve tried several unsuccessful brands and styles over the years but have finally found the best non-slip, no-show socks that stay hidden and in place. Ladies, I’ve got two styles that work in almost all of my …

Outside, Pets

The Best Tick Control Is Prevention

It’s that time of year again: tick season — when the black-legged (aka, deer), lone star and other ticks are an issue and the risk of tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, are on the rise. The best way to keep ticks off of you, …

Great Gadgets, Inside, Simplify

How To End Hair Clogged Drains

If you’ve got daughters who shed like Shetland’s, as I do, you need this clever product that puts an end to hair-clogged drains. TubShroom makes hair catchers that replace your current drain stopper and do all the work. With it, you no longer need to pour chemicals or money down …

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