G-J993BHFS11 UA-190941559-1
Showing 5 Result(s)
Great Gadgets, Simplify

Frywall: A Simple Way to Eliminate Stovetop Splatter, Splashes & Spills

Whether you like to cook or not, we can all agree that no one likes to clean the stovetop. So, eliminate splatter, splashes and spills altogether with this simple safeguard: the Frywall. I’ve had mine since 2019, I use it all the time and it’s still in great condition. What …


OTC Treatments to Manage Your Menopause Symptoms

Going through menopause is a pain in the you-know-what. We women all experience the same life transitions, albeit at different times and in different ways. But don’t despair, there is help to be had. There are diet and lifestyle changes that can make a difference, herbal remedies you can try, …

Great Gadgets, His, Simplify

Back & Body Grooming for Guys

You’ve heard of manscaping, well I’m here to talk to you about body- and backscaping. If you or someone you care about has unwanted body hair, BAKblade grooming for guys is here to save the day, and probably the night. I stumbled on these grooming products and, after reading countless …

Outside, Pets, Simplify

The 5 Best, Most Recommended Pet Safe Ice Melts

Did you know that road salt is dangerous for your pet? Road salt, also called rock salt, used to de-ice roads and driveways can cut and burn your pet’s paws, and is toxic if consumed. So I researched the best, most recommended pet safe ice melts. In addition to being …

Hers, His, Simplify

The 6 Best Steam Irons To Meet Your Needs

My friend Diana asked me to research the best steam irons. That crazy lady bought new bed sheets that need to be ironed. Of course, I told her to return them. But she wasn’t having it. In all fairness, my grandmother used to iron her sheets. Luckily, today’s irons are …

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