G-J993BHFS11 UA-190941559-1
Showing 4 Result(s)
Inside, Simplify, Upside Down

My Best Solutions for a Smelly Front-Loading Washer

If you have a high-efficiency machine, as I do, you know the smell I’m talking about. So I thought I’d share my best solutions for a smelly front-loading washer with you. High-efficiency (HE) front-loading washing machines are great for saving water and energy. In addition, they provide superior cleaning while …

Great Gadgets, Inside, Simplify, Upside Down

Keep Your Dryer Working Efficiently & Prevent a Dryer Fire

Keep your dryer working efficiently and prevent a dryer fire by removing years of accumulated lint with a dryer lint vac attachment. We all know to clean the lint tray/trap after each load of laundry. But a surprising amount of lint escapes into the dryer cavity, behind the dryer, and …

Great Gadgets

Great Gadgets, Gizmos & Other Clever Products You Didn’t Know You Needed

Necessity is the mother of invention. As a result, there are so many clever products that can make our lives easier. So I’ve added a new category called Great Gadgets, Gizmos & Other Creative Products. As I discover new products that I think are really clever and useful, I’ll share …

Great Gadgets, Hers, His, Outside, Simplify, Upside Down

Get A Great Car Phone Holder ~ My Top 8 Recommendations

A friend asked me to recommend a great car phone holder. I was only too happy to accommodate because I don’t love the one I have. Of my top eight recommendations, one is sure to work well for you, your phone and your car. There’s no shortage of car phone …

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