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Follow Up on The Best Car Phone Holder
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Follow Up on The Best Car Phone Holder

Following up on my Get A Great Car Phone Holder post to report on the iOttie Easy One Touch 5 I got.

The iOttie Easy One Touch 5 comes well packaged with easy to follow instructions, see pix below. There are two attachments included so it can be mounted in the air vent or flush. I went with the air vent.

I find the easiest way to put the phone in the holder is feet first and then tilt the phone back/upright into the holder, which activates the arms to close snuggly around your phone. Then adjust the phone in the holder to the angle you want. As you can see in the side view, the holder has a ball joint so you can customize the viewing angle. If the angle isn’t staying put, try tighten the ring on the back of the phone holder.

From the top view you can see there is a flat wing on either side of the vent mount. These wings, for lack of a better word, keep the vent grip flush. If it’s not holding well, try tightening the ring at the base. I have mine phone holder in a vertical vent and it holds well. I’m guessing it would work even better in horizontal vents.

I appreciate the magnetic piece that goes on the charging cable so you can set the cable against the magnet on the back of the phone holder. You can see it in the side view image and why the wire is hanging down in the front view pic. This makes it easy to keep track of your cable.

My family really likes the iOttie Easy One Touch 5 car phone holder. So much so, we’re buying another one for husband’s car. It’s definitely the best car phone holder I’ve used.

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  1. […] my post Follow Up on The Best Car Phone Holder to read my personal experience and review of this iOttie phone […]

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