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COVID-19 Vaccination Card Protector
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COVID-19 Vaccination Card Protector

Card Protector

I can’t believe this is something we even need to be thinking about, but who knew that a 3 x 4 card would be so important? Now that more of us are getting vaccinated, venues & travel are starting to open up. So until there is a universally approved smartphone app that will enable us to prove we’ve been vaccinated, we’ll need to keep our vaccination cards safe & intact with a COVID-19 vaccination card protector.

Guard That Card

The first thing you should do is take a picture of the front & back of your vaccination card & then email it to yourself (you know, in case you lose your phone or something & your photos are not backed up in the cloud).

Until you can electronically upload your vaccination info & provide it as proof, you’re going to want to take very good care of your vaccination card. With an eye towards preservation, a clear plastic sleeve is the best way. Below are three card protector options that your vaccination card will fit in.

Card Protectors

Getting a protective sleeve is easier than getting a new vaccination card. The standard vaccination card is 3″ high x 4″ wide. Here are a few options for keeping your COVID-19 vaccination card covered:

Stay safe!

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