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How To Create Beautiful, Bouncy Curls Without Hot Tools
Great Gadgets, Hers

How To Create Beautiful, Bouncy Curls Without Hot Tools

I love to style my hair in curls and waves. I usually use a curling iron or wand. But I recently stumbled on a simple yet effective product called the Curling Headband. Now I can create beautiful, bouncy curls without hot tools.

The Curling Headband by RobeCurls is a padded satin headband with a moldable wire inside that creates curls and waves without heat. It can be worn while you sleep, work, do errands, or whatever works for you.

There are several similar products on the market but the Curling Headband by RobeCurls is the only one I’ve tried and they claim to be the original; patent and all. It was created by Emily Kenison, a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur. 

How To Use The Curling Headband

The Curling Headband is simple to use once you get the hang of it. I’ve outlined the steps below and made a quick time-lapse video on how to put the headband in and one on how to take it out. Though there’s a much better how-to video by their adorable spokesmodel on YouTube.

The Curling Headband is intended to be used on damp-to-dry hair, not wet. I like to use it right after I blow dry while my hair still has some moisture in it. If your hair is already dry, mist it with a water bottle or styling product from the temples down, since that’s the hair you’ll be curling. 

How To Put The Curling Headband In

  • Brush out your hair and part it down the middle in the back. I use my fingers to make a zigzag part so the curls overlap at the end.
  • Bring the parted hair forward and brush again so the hair is free of tangles and easy to work with.
  • Shape the headband into an upside-down U and place it on your head as you would a regular headband.
  • The instructions recommend wrapping one end of the headband around the hair on one side to keep that hair out of the way. I prefer to secure one side with a claw clip while I work on the other side.
  • Working from the top front — take a one to one-and-a-half-inch section of hair and wrap it around the headband away from your face.
  • Each time you wrap a section of hair, pick up another piece on your way around…it reminds me of how you keep adding a section of hair when French braiding.
  • Continue the process until all the hair on that side is wrapped around the headband.
  • Secure the ends of your hair with one of the included satin scrunchies.
    • Once tied, I like to twist/twirl the scrunchie around and down a bit on the headband in the direction the hair is wrapped to ensure there are no kinks or bends in the hair.
  • Repeat the process on the other side. I have a lot of hair so I move the claw clip to the side I just wrapped to keep the headband from moving around.
  • When both sides are wrapped and tied, grab hold of both sides of the Curling Headband and twist them away from your face to tighten.
  • You can leave the ends down like braids or twist them together in the back, as I did here.
  • Then go to bed, to work, do errands, or whatever you feel like doing to give your hair a few hours to set.

How To Take The Curling Headband Out

To remove the headband and reveal you’re beautiful, bouncy curls:

  • Position the ends of the headband on either side of your face.
  • Remove the satin scrunchies.
  • Hold both ends of the Curling Headband and twist them forward to loosen the curls.
  • Take hold of the top of the headband and lift it gently upward so the curls slide off.
  • Rake your hands through your hair to break up the curls and use your fingers to comb your hair into place.

Voilà! Beautiful, bouncy curls without the damaging heat of hot tools.

For a touch-up, I put the Curling Headband in after showering with a shower cap on and the bathroom is still steamy. I find that gives my hair sufficient warmth and moisture to take a curl. Leaving the headband in while I do my makeup and get dressed is enough time to perk up my curls before going out.

The Curling Headband is a fantastic way to set your hair at night and save time in the morning before work or school. I can see myself wearing it on an overnight flight so I look put together upon arrival.

It would work great worn to the beach, for a day of sightseeing or whenever you know you’ll only have time for a quick shower before going out to dinner but want beautifully coifed hair. I think I just talked myself into buying the Curling Headband in other colors so I can coordinate them with my outfits!

Get It

If you use a lot of hot tools for styling like I do, you’ll really like this heatless alternative. I highly recommend the Curling Headband from RobeCurls, it’s my new favorite styling tool. It’s available in several colors on Amazon for $27.99. Please let me know if you try it and what you think.

More Hair Stuff

For more on hair products and styling tools, check out these posts:

Items are in stock unless noted otherwise and prices are accurate at time of publication.

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