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Does Your Pet Fear Thunder & Fireworks?

Does Your Pet Fear Thunder & Fireworks?

Does your pet fear thunder and fireworks? Mine does. Our Goldendoodle, Cosmo, is 105 pounds of muscle but this gentle giant shakes like a leaf at the rumble of thunder and booming of fireworks. With the Fourth of July festivities just days away and our current heatwave leading to thunderstorms, I thought I’d share a few tips that help alleviate some of our dog’s fears.

Walk Early

If we know a thunderstorm is coming or fireworks are scheduled nearby, such as on July 4th, we make sure to take Cosmo for a good, long walk beforehand. Not only does it tire him out a little but we want to make sure he does his business because he literally will not leave the house if he so much as hears a firecracker. And he won’t go out if it’s pouring except to lay in my car, which he thinks is his crate (don’t ask).


The most important thing we do on the Fourth of July is not leave Cosmo home alone. We choose to stay home to comfort him and, hopefully, make him feel less afraid or stressed. This may sound silly to some people but dog lovers get it.

In fact, according to Victoria Schade, CPDT-KA, at PetMD, “your dog’s reactions to fireworks are based on a legitimate fear. Providing comfort during this time is appropriate and often helpful.” She goes on to say, “Sitting close to your dog, petting him gently and offering quiet words of reassurance during scary events like fireworks can help to center your dog and might even reduce his fearfulness. Plus, doing so will help your dog understand that you’re his partner and that he can always turn to you when he’s feeling scared.”

If we can’t be home during a thunderstorm, we leave the TV on to muffle the sound. Cosmo likes to curl up on my younger daughter’s bed because she has an interior room and it’s the most quiet. Smart dog.


Not with your words, but with your actions. Dogs, like kids, take their cues from us. According to the ultimate dog whisperer, Cesar Millan, “Dogs communicate with energy, and will look to their pack leader for clues on how they should behave. If you’re not making a big deal or showing excitement about the fireworks, then he will learn to be less concerned as well.”


Lots of vets recommend an anti-anxiety vest like the ThunderShirt. We have one for Cosmo and it does seem to help. In addition to alleviating the fear and nervousness associated with thunder and fireworks, the ThunderShirt helps pets with separation anxiety and stress while traveling.

The concept is like swaddling a baby; the gentle pressure helps reduce anxiety. The ThunderShirt (I like to call it Cosmo’s Thunder Buddy – a little reference to the movie “Ted“) is available in lots of sizes and styles.

Cosmo has the classic style (pictured below), which ranges in price from $39-$60 based on size (XXS to XXL). If your dog prefers something with a bit more style, such as a Polo, Sport or Rugby shirt and, of course, pink for girls, check them out here. They also have ThunderShirts for cats!

Desensitize to Sounds

You can try desensitizing your dog to the sounds of fireworks. The American Kennel Club recommends softly playing the sounds of fireworks so your dog gets used to hearing them. They suggest playing the sounds loud enough for your dog to hear them but not so loud that the sounds cause him/her signs of stress, such as pacing, panting or shaking. I may try this with Cosmo.


As a last resort, if your dog has severe anxiety, you should talk to your vet about possibly getting a prescription that may help him relax. Luckily, we haven’t had to resort to that.

More About Dogs

Did you know that new toys are important for your dog’s development, providing both mental and physical stimulation? To learn more and discover some of the best dog toys and puzzles for your pup, check out my post Why It’s Important To Give Your Dog New Toys.

I hope some of these tips help comfort your dog if he or she fears fireworks or thunder.

All prices are accurate and items in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

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