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How To End Hair Clogged Drains
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How To End Hair Clogged Drains

If you’ve got daughters who shed like Shetland’s, as I do, you need this clever product that puts an end to hair-clogged drains. TubShroom makes hair catchers that replace your current drain stopper and do all the work. With it, you no longer need to pour chemicals or money down the drain to break up clogs or have a plumber snake the drain.

Easy To Use

Simply remove the existing drain stopper from your sink or tub by pulling it out or unscrewing it. Then drop the Sink- or TubShroom in.

All the hair that goes down the drain is caught out of sight on the base. Pull the Shroom out of the drain to clean it off and replace. It’s that easy. See my video below.

Button To Buy Sink Shroom

Here is my SinkShroom Ultra in action. If drain hair grosses you out, save yourself and look away or don’t hit play.

If you need to snake a sink or tub drain before setting up a Skin- or TubShroom, I highly recommend the Drain Weasel.

You can find out more about it in my post Snake Charm Clogged Drains with One Simple Tool.

Button to buy Drain Weasel

Take Your Pick

Choose from sink, tub and shower Shrooms to end hair-clogged drains. There’s even one for your kitchen sink that will catch food particles from going down without slowing water flow.

There are some other clever products at the TubShroom store on Amazon, prices start around $10. Check it out and put an end to clogged drains.

All items in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

(1) Comment

  1. […] the Drain Weasel and highly recommend it. If you want to minimize future drain clogs, see my post How To End Hair Clogged Drains for some inexpensive products you can easily install […]

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