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Easy To Use Home Security Cameras
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Easy To Use Home Security Cameras

You can get effective, easy to use home security cameras without investing in an expensive, high-tech video surveillance installation.

The YI Home Security Cameras have a host of features, including both audio and motion detection, night vision and more. Just plug them in, download the app and connect to your Wi-Fi.

When I researched home security cameras back in 2018, I bought this set of four by YI. I looked for security cameras that were well-reviewed, affordable, easy to set up, had an app, and would send me real-time alerts. Ever since, these camera have provided my family with peace of mind.

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We first decided to get home security cameras when our girls were young and started staying home alone. As the girls got older, the cameras kept them honest — kind of how locks keep honest people honest. In the years since, the cameras have been great when we’re on vacation.

The YI Home Security Cameras are available on Amazon, where they have 4.3 stars from over 53,190 reviews! I’m glad to see they’re still just as popular. You can buy one individual or additional camera ($25), a set of two ($50) or a pack of four ($90), which is what I have.

An added benefit of YI’s home video system is being able to add additional cameras as your life or residence changes. You can add a smart video doorbell, smart video baby monitor and outdoor cameras.

Motion Detection

You can receive an alert whenever a camera detects motion and watch live or view the recorded video. When equipped with a micro SD memory card (purchased separately), the 1080p cameras clearly record any motion detected with their wide-angle lenses. Even in the dark, images are clear thanks to the camera’s enhanced night vision, which automatically turns on infrared in low light conditions. I use a 64 GB memory card in each of my cameras to record activity but the cameras support memory cards from 4 to 128 GB.

Button to buy security cameras and smart video doorbell

If you want to take your home security surveillance up a notch, YI now offers their home security cameras bundled with a smart video doorbell that has facial recognition. I’m tempted to buy the doorbell separately since it’s currently on sale for $80 ($99 less 20% when you click the coupon box). A better price than most of its competitors. But the bundle is the best deal.

The set of four YI home security cameras bundled with a Kami Smart Video Doorbell is $165. It is also available bundled with only two cameras for $130. The Kami smart video doorbell can be powered with rechargeable batteries or hardwired using either a USB or AC power. Just FYI, the Kami video doorbell is made by YI.

Sound Detection

The YI Home Security Cameras feature sound detection as well as a two-way audio system. You can use it to speak with family members or to listen for a pet or baby in another room.

Button to buy home security cameras with video baby monitor

For those who like the idea of a smart video baby monitor, YI sells a set of four cameras bundled with a Kami Smart Baby Monitor ($155). The baby monitor camera looks like a bunny so it’s more nursery-friendly than the other cameras and, more importantly, it’s loaded with smart sensors.

In addition to viewing and recording your baby’s sleep patterns, room temperature and humidity (see images below), you can control the LED night light on the back of the monitor with the app. The Kami Smart Baby Monitor can be purchase on its own for $80 ($99 less 20% when you click the coupon box) but, as always, the bundle is a better deal.


All of the security camera’s live feed and recordings can be viewed from your computer and in the YI Home app, more on that below. I really like that you do not have to purchase YI’s cloud subscription to save recordings. As long as you have a micro SD memory card in each camera, videos will be saved to the card. A feature not offered by other home security cameras.

You will want to subscribe to YI’s cloud services if you want your videos saved in their data protected cloud. You will also need a subscription if you want to use Noonlight’s Certified Emergency Dispatchers. Noonlight is a 24/7 emergency response API that will instantly coordinate with your local police, fire and emergency medical services on your behalf.

The App

With the YI Home app you can access your camera’s live feed and recordings anytime, anywhere. You can also pair the cameras with any Alexa or Google device with video capabilities. So, for instance, you can say, “Alexa, show me the baby’s room.” Pretty cool.

The images below are from my front yard camera. I have it set to detect/record motion, not sound, otherwise I get a notification every time my dog barks. I just want to know when someone is coming up my front walk or across my yard.

There are a variety of settings available for you to customize. For example, in the far right image below, you can see I have the Sensitivity Level set to Medium and Alert Frequency set to Low.

In the app, you can view each camera live, watch time-stamped video or use the timeline to view recordings. A green line on the timeline indicates when the camera detected motion and/or sound and made a recording. The wider the green line, the longer the recording.

The app enables you to view multiple cameras on a single account. It also allows account sharing with up to five family members or friends.

Outdoor Security Cameras

I don’t have outdoor security cameras yet but I would buy the YI Outdoor Security Cameras because, like their indoor counterparts, they are well-reviewed, affordable and compatible with the YI Home app I’m already using. They are also available Amazon, where they have 4.3 stars from over 8,800 reviews. A single outdoor camera is $40 or $78 for two. If I buy them, I will update this article to share my experiences.

Peace of Mind

For my family, these home security cameras were affordable, simple to set up and easy to use. Together with our home alarm system, they provide the peace of mind we need when away from home.

All prices are accurate and items in stock at time of publication.

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