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Why You Need a Mailbox Light
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Why You Need a Mailbox Light

Mailbox Light

Yup, you read that right…a mailbox light. Or, more specifically, a motion-activated LED light for inside your mailbox. I can read your mind; you don’t think you need this. But if you have a mailbox, you need a mailbox light. I didn’t know I needed it either, that is, until I got one (thanks, Mom!). 

It could be you don’t know you need a mailbox light because you’ve never heard of it before. I certainly hadn’t and neither had my mom until she was looking online for a new mailbox and up popped a mailbox light as a suggestion. Now that I have one, I wish I’d known about it sooner. So I’m here to share it with you (you can thank me later). 

Why I Love It

Since our mail carrier comes late in the day, we don’t get our mail until we take our dog, Cosmo, for his evening walk. We live on a street with no streetlights, so it is D-A-R-K dark in our mailbox at night.

In the summer, sometimes there are spiders and other creepy things in our mailbox! No one wants to reach into a dark hole and not see what they’re touching. Now, instead of having to put on my iPhone flashlight, I love that the mailbox light conveniently lights up when I open the mailbox! I can’t tell you how much it pleases me.

How It Works

A round battery-powered motion-sensing LED light with a powerful built-in magnet sticks directly to the back of your metal mailbox. If your mailbox is not metal, no problem, it comes with two-sided tape and a metal disc that adheres to the back of the mailbox for the light to attach via the built in magnet. When you open your mailbox, the light goes on. Close it, and the light goes off on its own after 20 or 30 seconds. Brilliant, right?

Get It

The mailbox light my mom gave me is by SinMan. It includes a magnetic disk and double-sided tape, operates on 3-AAA batteries (not included), and has a 4 ½ star rating. Another option is this identical light by Illumisafe, which also has 4 ½ stars. 

Please let me know if you get this mailbox light or have one like it, I’d love to hear what you think.

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All prices are accurate and items in stock at time of publication.

(2) Comments

  1. […] place you may need light is in your mailbox. Yup, your mailbox. Find out more in my post: Why You Need a Mailbox Light. Or, if you’re already nodding your head and saying, “You know what? I DO need […]

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