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Poop Is Funny – My Squatty Potty Debate
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Poop Is Funny – My Squatty Potty Debate

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Poop is funny. Admit it. You know just reading, hearing or saying the word poop makes you smile or even chuckle. So poop IS funny. Unless you have trouble going; then not so much. We recently got a Squatty Potty & there are members of my household, who shall remain nameless, that say it helps them “go”. Personally, I don’t find it makes a difference, hence the debate: To Squat or Not To Squat.

Squatty Potty Back Story

You might have seen the Squatty Potty featured on Shark Tank or in a friend’s powder room. I did both, & both created conversations & then a bit of a debate, see below. If you are not already familiar with the Squatty Potty, it is more step stool than potty – that is, it’s not like the little portable potty one keeps in their car for a toddler.

The Squatty Potty is cleverly designed, & named, to help you mimic a squatting position. It has a subtle slope that raises your heels to aid in the squat position, oval textured grips where your feet go so they don’t slip, & it’s shaped to tuck safely under the toilet seat when not in use.

The makers of the Squatty Potty claim that by raising your feet on their step stool, your body is put into a more natural squat posture that “unkinks & fully relaxes the puborectalis muscle, which allows the colon to empty quickly & completely”.

Of course I had to research the puborectalis muscle is because it is one piece of anatomy I had not heard of. Turns out the puborectalis muscle is like a sling (picture a slingshot) around your anal canal.

Standing or sitting erect at a 90° angle pulls the muscle so it’s “choking” the rectum. Versus squatting or raising your legs on a step stool or Squatty Potty so you’re sitting at a 35° angle, which relaxes the puborectalis muscle & straightens the rectum, allowing for better evacuation, as they say.

Probably more info than you needed, but it’s important to know how things work & that’s how I roll…giving it to you straight: the good, the bad & the ugly.

The Debate – To Squat or Not To Squat

I’ve questioned some friends about the Squatty Potty (yes, only good friends) & received some mixed feedback. Some friends love it & can’t poop without it. One friend said he wanted to take it on vacation with him (hahaha). I have to let him know that I found him a collapsable version he can put in his suitcase, see below.

Other friends were as unimpressed as I am. One of my girlfriend’s said she got tired of stubbing her toe on it & actually sold on Facebook. I couldn’t believe someone would buy this second hand, even if the post said barely used, in “new” condition (LOL).

If really you want a good laugh (or maybe I have a warped sense of humor), read the Squatty Potty comments & reviews on Amazon. Some of them are absolutely hysterical.

See, I told you poop was funny!

Want To Pop A Squat?

Is the Squatty Potty worth trying? Clearly, it’s personal preference. But if you have trouble “going”, it might work wonders for you. Tons of people swear by it. In fact, the Squatty Potty has 4.5 stars from over 34,500 reviews, so it’s definitely working for multitudes of people. The Squatty Potty sells for $25 on Amazon making it inexpensive enough to try.

If you’re a squatting fan & want to take your squat-aid to-go, you might be interested in the Squat N Go foldable stool for $20, also available on Amazon. It has 4.5 starts from over 7,870 reviews & is available in several colors: white, grey, pink, green & blue.

If you have or get a Squatty Potty, please let me your thoughts on it.

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