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My Favorite Protective Car Seat Covers

My Favorite Protective Car Seat Covers

Protective Car Seat Covers

Got a dirty dog or messy kids? Then you need protective car seat covers.

I recently got a new car seat cover to protect my back seats from our dog, Cosmo. He is my constant companion & loves being in my car. I take him for a hike every morning & some days he gets really dirty (as you can see above & below, he’s a hot mess). My old car seat cover had finally started to fall apart so I went in search of a new one. I was so impressed with this awesome protective car seat cover by VIEWPETS, I just had to share.

This is my sweet & very dirty dog, Cosmo, after a recent hike.

He’s happy but I don’t want his filthy paws on my car seats after a hike or throughout the day. Cosmo thinks my car is his crate & he hangs out in my car every day, all year long. We leave the car doors open so he can go in & out at his leisure since we have an electric fence. He’s got quite the life…we always say, it’s Cosmo’s world & we just live in it.

This protective car seat cover has so many great features, it’s no wonder it has 4.5 stars from over 22,000 reviews on Amazon, where it sells for $28 or $35, depending on which color you buy.

Great Car Seat Cover Features

  • Protective – Not only does the car seat cover keep your seats clean, it protects the seats from scratches & fur, if your dog sheds. My 105 lb Goldendoodle doesn’t shed but he does get dirty & his nails would scratch the leather (pleather?) upholstery without the cover.
    • This cover also has side flaps that further protect the car seats as well as velcro flaps where the seatbelt buckles are, should you be using this cover to protect your car seats from rug rats & not fur babies. The seatbelt cover flaps are brilliant because my other car seat cover did not have them & dirt would slip through. Now when I take the cover off for people passengers (vs. puppy passengers), my car seat is pristine.
  • Waterproof – The heavy duty quilted material is waterproof. I tested this by giving Cosmo some water (he likes to drink from the bottle) & it literally beaded into a puddle, which Cosmo then licked up. lol
  • Non-Slip & Secure – The seat cover has a non-slip mesh underside, adjustable straps that go around the head rests, plastic tubes (they look like handles) that slide between the seat & seat back, & elastic straps that go around the lower seat corners. These all keep the seat cover securely anchored, even when the dog jumps in & out of the car.
  • Washable – Got to love that this cover is machine washable because clearly I need to wash it often.
  • Universal Bench Seat Size – The cover measure 56″ across x 19″ deep x 22″ high. The headrest straps are adjustable for a more custom fit. It fits perfectly in the back seat of my Acura MDX.
  • Available in Several Colors – The cover is available in four colors: Black, Grey, Tan (which is more of a clay brown color) & what they call Sage Green – this is the one I have & it’s definitely more of a khaki tan, see pix below & above.
  • Affordable Price – $28 for black or grey & $35 for what I call clay brown & khaki tan.

You might be wondering if I have an awesome protective car seat cover for my front car seats & the answer is, of course, yes. I cover my passenger seat as well as the center car console (between the front seats) so it doesn’t get scratched. For some reason, Cosmo likes to squeeze his big butt on the center console & sit with his front paws in the passenger seat, as you can see pix below. Dogs are funny. But I digress…

The protective car seat cover I have for the front passenger seat is by Active Pets. It has a 4.5 star rating from almost 6,000 reviews on Amazon, where it sells for $22. It comes in black with your choice of colored piping: black, blue, pink or orange (shown here), which is what I have. The Active Pets car seat fits nicely & works well.

I’ve had this cover for over a year, I like it a lot but I don’t loovvve it as much as the back seat cover by VIEWPETS. Unfortunately, VIEWPETS doesn’t make front seats covers, which is a bummer.

Another well-reviewed front seat cover option that I’m eyeing is by BarksBar. It’s $18 on Amazon, where it has 4.5 stars from over 8,000 ratings. It too is waterproof & promises not to skid. But it only comes in this gray-black, which is not necessarily a deal-breaker.

Buy Peticon Front Seat Car Cover

If you have fabric car seats & a shedding dog, you may want a protective front seat cover that really wraps around the back as well as the bottom of the seat. In which case, this waterproof cover by PETICON may be best for you. It’s $22 on Amazon for one or you can buy a two-pack for $35.

We have this front car seat cover in my husbands car on leather seats and it fits and works great. I did not care for their back seat cover.

If your dog doesn’t know how big he is (like mine) & insists on sitting on the center car console because he likes to share the front seat with the passenger (you can see my daughter’s arm in the lower lefthand pic as Cosmo all but sits in her lap). Or he prefers to sit in the passenger seat like a person & then lean across the center console so he can paw at you while you drive, you need a center car console cover.

I’ve had my center console cover since 2017, it’s made by Auto Console Covers. I’ve washed it countless times & it’s still going strong. We also have one in my husband’s car that is just as great. Go to the Auto Console Covers page and search your car make and model in upper right had corner search field to find the center console cover that will fit best in your car. Prices start around $18.

Or use this link to see the abundance of center console covers available on Amazon to find one you like that works for your car. There’s a widget (button) at the top of the screen that says, “Filter Results By Your Vehicle” where you can enter your car info & the search will filter the results for covers that fit your car model.

Please let me know if you get any of these awesome protective car seat covers & what you think.

All prices are accurate and items in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

(1) Comment

  1. […] This pic is the seat belt silencer in my car. You can also see the protective car seat cover on the passenger seat. If you need car seat covers, find my favorites here. […]

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