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Get Great Readers & Blue-Light Blocking Glasses For Home & On The Go
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Get Great Readers & Blue-Light Blocking Glasses For Home & On The Go

Reading Eye Glasses

Getting old sucks. My vision, among other things, is going. My husband and I now need reading glasses at home and on the go to see anything with small print – the mail, a menu, product labels, etc. We have progressed to the point that we have reading glasses strewn about our house so they’re at the ready wherever we are (yup, we’ve turned into our parents). If you need great readers and blue-light-blocking glasses at home and on the go, I’ve got you covered.

At Home Readers

We have inexpensive reading glasses all over the house. But for reading on our devices, we prefer the now-popular blue-light-blocking readers. And yes, we do know how to make the font larger, smarty-pants. 

Digital blue-light-blocking glasses aren’t just about being able to see small print; they may also improve eye comfort and sleep. Blue light itself isn’t bad. However, too much exposure, especially at night, can cause our bodies to suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep cycle.

In addition, many people find their eyes get dry and tired from too much screen time. Of course, cutting down on your screen time would help. But if you’re not able to do this because of work or school, for instance, blue-light-blocking glasses are a good alternative.

I bought this 4-pack of lightweight, unisex blue light blocking readers for $25, pictured below. Each pair comes in its own protective soft case with a lens cleaning cloth. I always play on my phone before going to sleep at night and I find these helpful in terms of eye fatigue and getting to sleep. 

TIP: If you’re using blue-light-blocking reading glasses to see the computer, it’s been recommended that you buy one size down. That is, if you normally wear a 1.50 reader, buy 1.0 for computer use.

Blue-Light-Blocking Glasses without Magnification

If you want blue-light-blocking glasses without magnification, try these unisex frames by Gaoye.

Button to Buy Unisex Blue-Light-Blocking glasses without magnification

My daughter uses these blue-light-blocking glasses without magnification by Gaoye when working on the computer. In addition to reducing eye fatigue, she looks adorable in them (but I’m biased).

On The Go Readers

While we’ve got our home base covered, my husband and I also need readers when we’re out, especially at restaurants. It probably won’t be long until we need to wear our reading glasses on a chain around our necks.

Until then, we appreciate the convenience of ThinOptics. These compact, little reading glasses are awesome because they’re always with you. We’ve been using them for years.

What Are ThinOptics

ThinOptics are small, thin reading glasses made of flexible, shatterproof plastic (lens and frame) that weigh next to nothing. It doesn’t matter which side of the readers is facing forward when you wear the pince-nez-style readers since there are no arms. Simply place them higher or lower on your nose, wherever they feel comfortable & secure. 

Interesting Fact: The name pince-nez is French from pincer, “to pinch”, and nez, for “nose”. Thank you Wikipedia.

The pince-nez style readers my husband and I have are the rectangular reading glasses that come in a slim, hard case that sticks to the back of your cell phone case, called the Universal Pod. Since neither of us leaves the house without our phones, we never have to worry about forgetting our reading glasses. 

ThinOptics has several other of case options if you have a wallet or something else on the back of your phone. In addition to a credit card sized wallet case with readers that fits in your wallet, pocket or purse; they have a tiny Keychain case that goes (where else) on your keychain. Or you can buy one of their slimline phone cases with a built-in ThinOptics sleeve.

Should you need to wear readers longer than it takes to order your dinner, you might want to consider ThinOptics’ slimline full frame reading glasses of regular reading glasses with arms, which are available in rectangular and round frames. They inconspicuously slip in a suit pocket or little evening bag. Each one comes in a long, flat case and there’s also a version that sticks to the back of your iPhone. 

Lastly, if you need readers for computer work or staring at your cell phone, I highly recommend ThinOptics’ blue-light blocking reading glasses.

All of ThinOptics’ reading glasses, except the sunglasses, are available in a variety of reading strengths and colors. Their sunglasses have flexible frames, an anti-reflective coat on the lenses, and they come in an aluminum slimline case with magnetic closure.

There are lots of knock-offs and similarly thin reading glasses available but ThinOptics is the only brand I’ve tried. Check out the ThinOptics store, I highly recommend them. If you want to check out other options in the thin readers category, here’s an Amazon link to get you started.

Please let me know if you’ve tried ThinOptics or another brand of slimline reading glasses you would recommend. 

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All items are in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

(2) Comments

  1. […] ThunderShirt for Pets Compression Cubes Tiki Torch Speakers Universal Remote Crampons Shaving Guide ThinOptics SweetHeat […]

  2. JOYCE LOHN says:

    I have the ThinOptics glasses and they are great. I agree with Bronna it’s great to know you always a pair of reading glasses with you and that they are small and light weight.

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