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Snake Charm Clogged Drains with One Simple Tool
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Snake Charm Clogged Drains with One Simple Tool

Snake clogged drains yourself with this one simple tool. It will save you time and money, and you won’t have to use any caustic chemicals.

A friend “asked” me to recommend a plumber because her bathroom sink was draining slowly…probably hair, we agreed. I told her not to call a plumber until she tried snaking the drain herself first. She looked at me like I had two heads. So, I said, I’ll text you a link for what you need buy.

Button to buy Drain Weasel

She ordered it and, a couple of days later, I got these texts from her. ?

This great DIY tool is called the Drain Weasel. It’s simple but clever, a lot less expensive than a plumber and a lot more satisfying.

The Drain Weasel comes with one rotating handle and five disposable 18” wands. The thin, flexible wand fits down the drains and grates of most sinks and tubs. With the “quick-connect” rotating handle attached, Drain Weasel’s patented micro-hooks at the end of each wand make it easy to snake your own drain and fish out the clog (see product pix below). When you’re done, there’s no need to touch the nasty clog you’ve just fished out or the wand, just toss them the trash.

If you want to see some unbelievable pix of people proudly showing off the fruits of their labor, check out the reviews on Amazon where the Drain Weasel currently has a 4.4-star rating from over 24,600 reviews and is selling for $19.99.

I’ve used the Drain Weasel and highly recommend it. If you want to minimize future drain clogs, see my post How To End Hair Clogged Drains for some inexpensive products you can easily install yourself.

Prevent Future Hair Clogs

Once you’ve snaked your drains, prevent future clogs with a clever product that simply replaces the current drain stopper in your sink, tub, shower, or kitchen!

Find the one that’s best for you at How To End Hair Clogged Drains and choose from sink, tub and shower Shrooms to put an end to clogged drains in your home.

All items are in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

(1) Comment

  1. […] Looking for another DIY snaking project? Check out a great the Drain Weasel in my post Snake Charm Clogged Drains with One Simple Tool. […]

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