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Look Better Online ~ 3 Best Softbox Light Kits
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Look Better Online ~ 3 Best Softbox Light Kits

Want to look better online? Whether you’re hosting Zoom meetings, making videos, doing auditions, or interviewing online, good lighting is key. Most of you probably have the popular ring light by now. But you might look better online with softbox lights, either instead of or in addition to a ring light. Be sure to read my Lighting Tips, below.

If you wear glasses and you’re experiencing the unflattering reflection of your screen and lighting on your lenses, read my post How To Prevent Glare on Your Glasses During Video Calls. Eye contact is an important part of how we communicate. People want to see your eyes during an online meeting, video or audition, not reflections. That glare can be distracting to those you’re speaking with.

Ring Lights

Ring lights are great for straight-on shots or portrait videos. Depending on how large your ring light is, it’s only going to light you from the chest up. A large ring light, from 12 to 18 inches, can create a soft, diffused light. Due to its circular shape and vacant center, it creates a ring of illuminating light around your face without harsh lighting in the center to make you look washed out.

Some ring (halo) lights can be too bright and, as a result, may not produce a very natural look, which is fine for beauty, fashion and YouTube tutorials. But, if you’re conducting Zoom meetings, interviews or doing auditions online from home, like my friend Suzanne who asked me to research softbox lights, you probably prefer more natural-looking light. Furthermore, you don’t want distracting shadows behind you or that “ring” of light reflected in your eyes or on your glasses, if you wear them.

Softbox Lights

This is where softbox lights come in. They are, quite literally, lights in a box. Softboxes typically have a black cloth exterior over a frame lined with white or silver fabric, in the center of which are one or more light bulbs. The front of the softbox is covered with a translucent white cloth that diffuses the light from the bulb/s, producing a more natural-looking glow on its subject (aka, you).

Softbox lights are used to control the direction of light and eliminate shadows, especially when used with a ring light or third softbox light in a setup called three-point lighting that balances the light. Or you can simply use two softbox lights for a two-point lighting setup.

There are a lot of articles and how-to videos online about how to create the best lighting for your needs. Should you want to learn more, a simple Google search will get you going.

The Most Recommended Softbox Lights

Get the right light for your needs. Below are the 3 most recommended softbox lights by bloggers, vloggers, photographers, and videographers. I took the liberty of ranking them in the order I think is best based on features and price.

  1. Mount Dog
  2. Neewer
  3. Fovitec

Then I included a few light stand weights. If you expect to be angling the softboxes or there will be a lot of foot traffic around your light stands, I recommend buying a set of weights. You don’t want someone kicking the base and knocking your softboxes over or getting hurt. Below that you’ll find some Lighting Tips.

Lastly, you’ll see that each of the softbox lightbulbs is noted in watts, which we’re familiar with, and Kelvins (K). Kelvins are a measurement used to describe the color temperature or range of temperature, that is, how warm or cool the light is. Here is a Kelvin lighting scale as a guide.

1. MountDog LED Softbox Lighting Kit

I think the Mount Dog Softbox Lighting Kit is the best of the bunch because it has the most features for the best price.

The kit comes with everything you need for a great lighting set up and it’s the only one on the list that comes with remote controls. I love that you can operate the lights without having to get up; a valuable feature when you want to adjust the lighting while seeing how you look on your laptop or phone.

  • Softboxes – Two 20 x 28-inch rectangular softbox lights with removable diffusers.
  • Bulbs – Each softbox light comes with a dimmable 85W LED bulbs with adjustable color temperatures from 2800K to 5700K. LED bulbs are great because they remain cool, save energy and have a long lifespan.
  • Stands – Two light stands, each with an independent locking knob at the top that can be rotated 210° to adjust the softboxes to different angles. The tops are equipped with 1/4 screw mounting, and the tripod bracket is a three-section column that can extend from 26 to 78 inches.
  • Carrying Bag – Included
  • Noteworthy – This kit comes with two remote controls that can be used to turn the softbox lights on or off as well as adjust the brightness and color temperature. A great feature when you want to adjust the lighting while seeing how it looks on screen.
  • Best Price – The Mount Dog Softbox Lighting Kit is currently on sale for $73.99 on Amazon when you check the $12 off coupon box before adding it to your cart, it’s regularly $85.99. This lighting kit is also available as a single softbox light set for $52.99 when you check the $5 off coupon, regularly $57.99.

2. Neewer RGB LED Softbox Lighting Kit

Neewer lighting kits are recommended by every blogger, vlogger, photographer, and videographer. This kit comes bundled with everything you need, including a remote and carrying bag.

  • Softboxes – Two 20 x 28-inch silver-lined rectangular softbox lights with removable diffuser covers.
  • Bulbs – Each softbox comes with a 48W dimmable LED bulb and has three built-in modes: CCT Mode (3200-5600K and G/M), RGB mode (SAT 0-100% and HUE 0-360°) and Scene mode (10-level speed and 10 scene colors).
  • Stands – Two aluminum alloy light stands that adjust to a maximum height of 88 inches.
  • Carrying Bag – Included
  • Noteworthy – The lights can be powered with the included AC power adapter or via battery so you can use them outside, for instance. I also like the handle on the back of the lighting units, making them easier to move.
  • Best Price – The Neewer 2-Light RGB LED Softbox Lighting Kit is currently on sale at Amazon for $155 if you check the $30 off coupon box, down from $185. The 3-light kit is $217.

3. Fovitec Studio Softbox Lighting Kit

The Fovitec Studio Lighting Kit comes with everything you need except a carrying case unless you buy the 3-light kit, so I listed it third. But this kit is recommended on every best softbox lighting list.

  • Softboxes – Two 20 x 28-inch rectangular softbox light comes with a removable diffuser cover.
  • Bulbs – Includes five 45W 5500K fluorescent bulbs for each light. The switches on the back of the socket head allow you to adjust the brightness by flipping a combination of the three switches on or off so that one, two, three, four, or all five bulbs are on.
  • Stands – Two light stands that extend to 7’6″ (I could not find a minimum height mentioned in the description or reviews).
  • Carrying Bag – Only included with the 3-light kit.
  • Noteworthy – You can not adjust the color temperature, only the brightness. So at 5500K, these lights will be like cool white daylight.
  • Best Price – This 2-pack Fovitec Lighting Kit is currently on sale for $132 on Amazon, where is it regularly $139. If you need a carrying case, you’ll have to opt for their 3-Light Kit, which is on sale for $170, down from $190. There’s also a single softbox light for $65. All three are available via the same link.

Light Stand Weights

As I mentioned above, if you expect to be angling the softboxes or there will be a lot of foot traffic, kids or pets around your light stands, I recommend buying a set of weights. The last thing you want is someone knocking over your softboxes, potentially damaging them, the stands, breaking the bulbs or, worse, someone getting hurt.

Lighting Tips

  • Try to use natural light whenever possible.
  • If you’re using a ring light alone or with a softbox light, use one with adjustable color and brightness settings.
  • Warmer settings most closely mimic natural light. If you’re supplementing your light with a table or desk lamp, consider swapping out your bulb to a 6-watt (40-watt equivalent), A19 LED bulb.
  • To look your best online, wear dark solid colors. Avoid wearing distracting patterns, light-colored clothing that can make you look washed out, and bright colors or whites that can reflect light.
  • If you’re working on a laptop, the most flattering position is to have the camera at eye level and keep the screen an arm’s distance away from you.
  • Be mindful of your background. You know you enjoy catching a glimpse inside people’s homes when you’re in a meeting or watching someone on TV. So you can be sure people will be looking at yours. Keep it clean, simple and neutral. Don’t be afraid to use props and do a little staging.
  • Did you know that Zoom has a “touch up my appearance” button in settings? Turn that baby on!

I hope this helps you look your best online!

All prices are accurate and items in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

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