G-J993BHFS11 UA-190941559-1
Showing 2 Result(s)
Wood Burning Fire Pit

The Best Wood Burning Fire Pits & Heaters

Keeping warm outside is tricky business. It’s not like you can heat the great outdoors like you would a room in your home, which is why you need a wood-burning fire pit or other source of radiant heat. In my post about Indoor/Outdoor Radiant Heaters, I explain how radiant heat works …

Inside, Outside

The Best Indoor / Outdoor Radiant Heaters

Why, you may ASK, is it better to use a radiant heater outside than a convection heater? Well, when I researched the heck out of space heaters, this is what I learned. How Radiant Heaters Work For starters, all infrared heaters are radiant heaters. Radiant heaters transfer thermal energy to …

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