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The Best At Home COVID-19 Tests
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The Best At Home COVID-19 Tests

At home COVID-19 tests are available without a prescription, and many are approved for travel.

But how do you know which test to buy? If you’re like me, you probably want to know which tests are best. So, I decided to research at home COVID-19 tests and share my findings with you.

There Are Three Types of At Home COVID-19 Tests

1. Molecular and 2. Antigen COVID-19 tests are diagnostic tests that will tell you if you HAVE the coronavirus AT the time of testing. The tests “may be used regardless of vaccination or symptom status,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

3. An Antibody test will tell you if you’ve previously HAD the coronavirus. There are currently no at home tests that can identify which variant of the coronavirus you have.

Button to view flowchart at Johns Hopkins Center for Health

This COVID-19 Test Flowchart from Johns Hopkins’ Center for Health provides a good visual for understanding which type of test you need.

More on each type of test, those most recommended, and where to buy them below.

Important Notes:

  • At home COVID-19 tests should be kept at room temperature (59º F – 86º F) or their efficacy could be compromised.
  • Before traveling, check with your airline carrier and hotel about their testing requirements. Some accept only specific tests as proof of negative results.
  • If you are traveling and taking a test kit with you:
    • Pack the test kit in your carry-on bag. Do NOT pack it in your suitcase and put through checked luggage where temperature changes could affect the test’s efficacy.
    • Each person in your party should carry their own test kit.

All of the at home COVID-19 tests recommended below have Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

1. At Home Molecular Tests (PCR)

Molecular COVID-19 tests test for genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus, by repeatedly multiplying (or amplifying) the genetic material in the sample. In this case, it’s testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

This amplification process is what enables the test to detect even the tiniest trace of the virus, so the results are more accurate. But the testing process takes longer to perform, which is why everyone waits for PCR test results to confirm their rapid (antigen) test results.

As of this writing, there are only a few at home molecular COVID-19 tests that will provide results at home and I have listed them below. Other molecular “tests” on the market, such as Everlywell, DxTerity, empowerDX, and Pixel are only test collection kits. That is, they provide you with everything you need to collect a nasal swab or saliva sample at home and then mail the sample to a lab for testing. Most collection kits include a prepaid overnight shipping label and packaging to facilitate the process. You then receive your test results electronically within 24 to 72 hours from the time your sample is received at the lab.

The following at home molecular COVID-19 tests provide test results at home in less than an hour and are only available online.

Cue — Fastest Results

Button to buy Cue Test Kit

Cue uses nucleic acid amplification that is equivalent to PCR testing. In fact, an independent Mayo Clinic study showed the Cue at home test results matched lab PCR results with 97.8% accuracy.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — The starter kit comes with one Cue Reader bundled with three tests for $474 or 10 tests for $949 (reg $999). Once you own the Cue Reader, additional tests can be purchased separately. Only available at Cue Health.
  • Time for Results — About 20 minutes. Results are sent to the Cue Health app via Bluetooth when they are ready.
  • App — The Cue Health App connects to the Cue Reader via Bluetooth and is available for download for Apple and Android.
  • Travel — Cue offers CDC-compliant supervised tests for travel with their Cue+ Complete Membership for $89 per month.

Detect — Most Economical

Button to buy Detect test kit

Detect is a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) test that provides fast and accurate results. The Detect clinical studies show their test results are 97.3% accurate compared to lab PCR tests.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — A starter kit includes one Detect COVID-19 Test and one reusable Detect Hub for $88. Once you own the Hub, additional tests can be purchased for $49 per test. Additional Hubs can be purchased separately for $39 each. As of this writing, all tests were out of stock, so check their site to see if they’ve restocked. Available only at Detect.
  • Time for Results — About one hour.
  • App — The Detect App stores all your test results and is free to download for Apple and Android.
  • TravelDetect Verified provides certified test results for travel through a partnership with Azova, a tele-proctoring service, for a $20 fee.

Lucira Check It — Best for Travel

Button to buy Lucira

Lucira uses nucleic acid amplification that is equivalent to PCR testing. Lucira’s community study showed their tests 98% accurate compared to one of the best known high sensitivity lab PCR tests.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — A single use test kit includes everything you need to conduct one test. It is currently on sale for $75 (reg $89) at Lucira Health and $89 at Amazon.
  • Time for Results — Results in 30 minutes or less
  • App — The LUCI app is free to download for Apple and Android.
  • Travel — Lucira’s in-app LUCI PASS will provide verified online results for free along with a QR-code that meets travel requirements.

2. At Home Antigen Tests (Rapid)

Antigen COVID-19 tests detect traces of the coronavirus proteins (antigens) on the surface of a sample. Results can be produced in as little as 10 to 15 minutes, which is why they are referred to as rapid tests.

Since there is no multiplying or amplifying the sample, antigen tests may miss infections when the virus levels are low. While positive test results are highly accurate, rapid tests are more likely to report false negatives, especially with asymptomatic people. This is why most at home antigen test kits contain two tests that can be performed within two to three days of each other to confirm your test results.

Below are the most recommended at home antigen COVID-19 tests. All tests collect samples via a nasal swab and most tests can be purchased online and in stores.

BinaxNOW — Best Overall

Button to buy BinaxNOW test

Abbott’s BinaxNOW was one of the first at home COVID-19 tests and is still considered one of the best. The box comes with two home tests and recommends you test yourself twice with at least 36 hours between tests to be sure the results are accurate.

My daughter recently used this test, the instructions were easy to follow and she had a negative test result in 15 minutes.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — Each box contains two tests: $14 at Walmart, $24 at Amazon, CVS, RiteAid and Walgreens (some vendors are out of stock online, in-store inventory varies by location).
  • Time for Results — 15 minutes
  • App — Yes, NAVICA, a complementary app that will display test results. The app is available for Apple and Android.
  • Travel — The BinaxNOW OTC COVID-19 Antigen Self Test is not approved by the CDC for travel because it does not provide a supervised telehealth visit or deliver a documented result.
    • To satisfy the CDC’s travel requirements, customers can order the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card at home test from Abbott’s eMed online portal. A set of six tests for $150 includes taking the tests during a supervised telehealth visit and receiving a secure digital certificate in the NAVICA app. The certificate is saved in the app and can be presented as proof of a negative COVID-19 test when traveling.

QuickVue — Fastest Results

Button to buy QuickVue test

Quidel’s QuickVue at home COVID-19 test was one the first to receive emergency use approval from the FDA and is still one of the most accurate tests available. The kit includes two tests and does not require an app. They recommend testing twice over three days with at least 24 hours (and no more than 48 hours) between tests.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — Each box contains two tests: $24 at Amazon, CVS, Walmart and Walgreens (some vendors are out of stock online, in-store inventory varies by location).
  • Time for Results — 10 minutes
  • App — No
  • Travel — Not approved by CDC for travel

iHealth — Best for Monitoring Groups

Button to buy iHealth test

The iHealth Labs at home COVID-19 test links to an app for step-by-step testing instructions. The app will store your test results and generate an iHealth Pass in the app that can be used as digital proof of a negative test result.

The app also enables you to monitor test results for groups. Each individual added to the group can test themselves at home and upload their results to the group manager within a selected time frame. This is a great way to test everyone for a special event, like a wedding.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — Each box contains two tests: $14 at iHealth, $18 at Amazon.
  • Time for Results — 15 minutes
  • App — Yes, app is available for Apple and Android
  • Travel — Not approved by CDC for travel

On/Go — Best Companion App

Button to buy On/Go test

Intrivo’s On/Go has you download their app before you take their at home COVID-19 test. The app walks you through the testing instructions, includes a timer, and then displays the results on your phone. The app also keeps track of your testing history and lets you share results.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — Each box contains two tests: $24 at Walgreens, $24.49 at Amazon, $25 at Best Buy, and $30 at Walmart and at On/Go (some vendors are out of stock online, in-store inventory varies by location).
  • Time for Results — 10 minutes
  • App — Yes, app is available for Apple and Android
  • Travel — Not approved by CDC for travel

FlowFlex — Most Budget Friendly

Button to buy FlowFlex test

Acon Lab’s FlowFlex is the most affordable at home COVID-19 test. Unlike the above at home tests, there is only one test in each box and FlowFlex is the only one that does not recommend testing a second time.

  • Cost & Number of Tests — Each box contains one test: $10 at CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens (some vendors are out of stock online, in-store inventory varies by location).
  • Time for Results — 15 minutes
  • App — No
  • Travel — Not approved by CDC for travel

3. At Home Antibody Tests

An antibody test will tell you if you’ve previously had the coronavirus. That is, it can detect if you’ve developed an immune response against the virus, not if you actually have it.

While molecular and antigen tests require a nasal swab or saliva sample, an antibody test is a blood test. You can collect a sample at home via a finger prick but it must be sent to a lab for testing.


Elicity is the first at home antibody test to receive emergency use authorization from the FDA. It is an at home collection kit authorized only for detecting IgG antibodies for SARS-CoV-2.

It can take at least two weeks after exposure to COVID-19 develop antibodies against the virus. Therefore, it is recommended that you test for antibodies one to three weeks after a possible infection.

Button to buy Elicity antibody test

The Elicity test kit comes with everything you need take a finger-prick blood sample and a prepaid mailing envelope for sending your sample to their lab for testing. It will take three to five days from when your sample is received to get your results, which can be accessed by logging into Elicity’s secure online platform.

  • Cost & Number of TestsOne test per kit: $149 at Elicity. As of this writing, Elicity is not accepting new orders but you can sign up to be notified when they start shipping test kits again.
  • Timing — 3 to 5 days after sample is received at the lab
  • App — No app, only an online health portal
  • Travel — Not applicable

The Future of at Home COVID-19 Tests

On December 16, Reuter’s reported that the CDC started giving out free at home COVID-19 test kits to incoming international travelers at Minneapolis-St Paul, Miami and Chicago O’Hare Airports. They plan to add Dallas-Fort Worth as well as four additional international airports in the coming weeks.

In early 2022, it is expected everyone in the U.S. will have access to free at home COVID-19 test kits. Under President Biden’s new plan, private health insurance companies will be required to reimburse Americans when they buy an at home COVID-19 test kit. Hopefully, this will help slow the spread of the coronavirus and its variants.

The antiviral medication Remdesivir may help fight the coronavirus, preventing hospitalization and death. Pfizer’s new prescription antiviral pill, Paxlovid, is soon to be approved and others are on the way.

In the meantime, we can all do our part to keep the coronavirus from spreading. Please get vaccinated, wear a mask, and take a COVID-19 test when you don’t feel well. If you test positive for the coronavirus, please quarantine, notify anyone you’ve been in contact with and follow the CDC’s steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you have an emergency warning sign, such as trouble breathing, get medical care immediately.

Stay Safe & Stay Healthy!

Please follow the CDC’s guidelines when doing at home COVID-19 tests.

Note: This post is only informational. I am not a doctor (but I confess to pretending to be one at home and making my kids call me Dr. Mommy).

All prices are accurate and items in stock, unless noted otherwise, at time of publication.

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