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The 5 Best, Most Recommended Pet Safe Ice Melts
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The 5 Best, Most Recommended Pet Safe Ice Melts

Did you know that road salt is dangerous for your pet?

Road salt, also called rock salt, used to de-ice roads and driveways can cut and burn your pet’s paws, and is toxic if consumed. So I researched the best, most recommended pet safe ice melts. In addition to being non-toxic to your pets, they are safe for kids and better for the environment. I’ve been using it for years.

The chemicals in road salt used on streets and sidewalks wreaks havoc on paws causing dryness, cracking and chemical burns. Walking on rock salt with cracked paws can cause your pet excruciating pain…it is literally rubbing salt in their wounds. Hot pavement is also dangerous for your pet, more on that below.

Rock salt used on roads can dry out, cut and burn your pet’s paws, and it’s toxic if ingested. (Photo from the Dodo)

In This Post

What Is Road Salt

Road salt, or rock salt, is made of different kinds of salt. Common ingredients are sodium chloride, potassium chloride and calcium chloride. It may also include other additives that help trucks deliver it to roadways without caking.

To learn more about what chemicals to avoid, safer alternatives and symptoms your dog has ingested a toxic amount of rock salt, read this informative article I found on Daily Paws. They even have a recipe to make your own pet safe ice melt at home.

What Is Pet Safe Ice Melt

The most common ingredients in pet safe ice melt are urea (a biodegradable chemical), magnesium chloride and/or calcium magnesium acetate (CMA), a low corrosion de-icer made from dolomitic lime and acetic acid. Pet safe ice melts tend to be a little more expensive and may not be as effective at quickly melting ice at very low temperatures, but they are much better for your pet and the environment. I live in New York and have found them to be effective with no ill effects to my dog or property.

How De-Icers Works

Water begins to freeze at 32° F. Road salt works by dissolving in the top layer of liquid water that is always present on the top of ice, thereby lowering its freezing point to 0°F. This is below the ices’ temperature so the ice begins to melt, which creates more water and dissolves more salt. The cycle continues as the ice melts and the ice on the ground can’t freeze that layer of water. Pet safe ice melt works similarly, just with safer ingredients.

Symptoms of Road Salt Poisoning in Pets

Pets may lick their paws after walking on road salt, which can be toxic. Watch for salt poisoning symptoms, such as drooling, diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. In severe cases, it can lead to coma, seizures and even death. Pet safe ice melt should not be ingested either, but it is not nearly as toxic and, therefore, a safer alternative.

If you must walk your dog on salted streets or sideways, always wipe your dogs’ paws after with a damp towel or dunk them in warm soapy water and wipe dry to remove salt residue. If you have a small dog who is low to the ground, you should wipe his or her belly as well.

Be on the lookout for signs of rock salt or antifreeze poisoning.

Protect Your Pet

Please protect your pet by using a pet safe ice melt. Homeowners should use it on their driveway, walkway, patio, deck, steps, and sidewalk. If you live in an apartment building, ask your landlord or super to please switch to a pet safe ice melt.

As always, I did a lot of research and reading to pare down the five best, most recommended pet safe ice melts. Then, of course, I found them for you at the best prices. I also added some ice melt spreaders to simplify your life. To further protect your pet, please take a minute to read how to How To Prevent Pad Burn Year-Round.

Note: Always store ice melt products in a safe place where pets and children can’t reach it.

How To Prevent Pad Burn Year-Round

Road salt is not the only thing that can burn your pet’s paws. Walking on hot pavement (especially black asphalt), boat docks, the back of a pickup truck, corrosive substances, acids, or chemicals, such as those used to treat lawns, can cause burns and blisters. Think about how hot the beach sand or parking lot pavement is when you walk barefoot in the summer.

Please use these tips to prevent pad burn year-round:

  • Always use your hand or walk barefoot to check the surface before walking your dog. If it’s too hot for you to keep your hand on or to walk barefoot on, it’s too hot for your dog too.
  • Avoid black asphalt in warm weather, which can burn pads instantly.
  • Walk your dog on grass or dirt to avoid road salt in the winter and hot pavement in the summer.
  • In warm weather, walk your dog early in the morning before temperatures climb or in the evening when temperatures have dropped.
  • If possible, carry your dog to a safe surface to walk. My dog weighs 100 pounds, so that’s not option for me. Instead, I walk him in the mornings and at night in the summer and use pet safe ice melt on our property in the winter.
  • Take cues from your dog, such as, if he or she is pulling back on the leash or deviating to walk on grass or dirt.
  • Massage a protective paw wax or salve on their pads, such as Musher’s Secret Dog Paw Wax, Primens Paw Pad & Nose Balm, PawTection Dog Paw Balm Stick, petroleum jelly, or the like.
  • Try dog booties. This can be tough; some dogs think they can’t walk with them on and start parading around like a Clydesdale horse.

The 5 Best, Most Recommended Pet Safe Ice Melts

All of the following pet safe ice melts are safe for pets, kids, surfaces, and most vegetation.

  1. Safe Paw Ice Melt
  2. Green Gobbler Pet Safe Ice Melt
  3. Natural Rapport Pet Friendly Ice Melt
  4. Redmond Ice Slicer
  5. Just For Pets Snow & Ice Melter

Safe Paw Ice Melt

Safe Paw Ice Melter was at the top of every recommended list and has a 4.6 rating from over 7,700 reviewers.

  • Active Ingredient – Urea, one of the least harmful ingredients for your pet
  • Temperature Low – Effective down to -2° F
  • Pros
    • Includes a mix of non-toxic “proprietary traction agents” to help your feet and your car get a grip.
    • The greenish color grains are easy to see, providing greater visibility while dispersing.
    • Claims to work instantly and last 3x longer than other pet safe de-icers.
  • Cons
    • Might take longer to work than other pet safe ice melts.
    • Does not prevent refreezing so it may need to be reapplied.
    • Can leave behind a bit of a residue.
  • Best Price

Green Gobbler Pet Safe Ice Melt

Green Gobbler Pet Safe Ice Melt is made with magnesium chloride harvested from the Dead Sea and it has a 4.5 rating on Amazon from over 4,800 reviewers.

  • Active Ingredient – Magnesium chloride
  • Temperature Low – Works in temps as low as -10° F
  • Pros
    • Fast acting
    • Helps prevent refreezing
    • Can be used on porches and patios, not just driveways, walkways and sidewalks.
    • The small round pellets work well with rotary spreaders.
  • Cons
    • The white grain can be hard to see when dispersing.
    • Some reviewers complained about the residue the product leaves behind. But, it clearly states on the label that over application can leave behind a residue. So I think this complaint might be user error.
  • Best Price
    • 15 lb tub – $38.98 at Amazon
    • 35 lb tub – $72.98 at Amazon

Natural Rapport Pet Friendly Ice Melt

Natural Rapport Pet Friendly Ice Melt contains calcium magnesium acetate (CMA), a low corrosion de-icer, made from dolomitic lime and acetic acid. It has a 4.5 rating from almost 3,000 reviewers on Amazon.

  • Active Ingredient – Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA)
  • Temperature Low – Effective down to around -5° F
  • Pros
    • Time-release formula that works quickly and prevents refreezing
    • Claims to last 3x longer the typical ice melts, which means less need to reapply
    • Blended formula adds traction for feet and cars
    • More affordable than other pet safe de-icers
    • The “proprietary organic technology, ProtectRx, reduces corrosion rates by up to 75% compared to regular ice melters.”
    • Green color makes it easy to see when dispersing
  • Cons
    • While pet safe, this de-icer does contain some salt. As such, some reviewers said the product burned their pup’s paws.
    • This ice melt is granular, not round pellets, so it might not be as pleasant for your pets to walk on.
  • Best Price
    • 10 lb shaker jug – $24.95 at Amazon
    • 35 lb tub – $64.95 at Amazon

Redmond Ice Slicer

Redmond Ice Slicer is the only pet safe ice melt that is OMRI organic certified. It has a 4.5 rating from over 1,100 reviewers on Amazon.

  • Active Ingredient – Made from naturally occurring sea salt deposits, which is less likely to irritate your pets’ paws, and contains more than 60 different “rare earth” minerals for faster melting.
  • Temperature Low – Works in temps as low as 0° F.
  • Pros
    • Organic, all natural and certified by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)
    • Contains no dyes or coloring agents
    • Claims to melt ice 3.5x faster than other de-icers
    • Harvested in Utah from the same salt deposit as Redmond’s table sea salt.
    • Priced lower than other pet safe de-icers.
  • Cons
    • While this de-icer is labeled as pet safe, it does still contain salt and may irritate your pets’ paws.
    • This ice melt is granular, not round pellets, so it might not be as pleasant for your pets to walk on.
  • Best Price
    • 10 lb bag – $20.99 at Amazon
    • 25 lb bag – $39.99 at Amazon

Just For Pets Snow & Ice Melter

Just For Pets Snow & Ice Melter was on almost every recommended list. I’m surprised it has only 535 reviews on Amazon, but those reviewers gave it a 4.5 rating.

  • Active Ingredient – Urea, one of the least harmful ingredients for your pet
  • Temperature Low – Works in temps as low as 5° F
  • Pros
    • Does not contain salts or chlorides
    • Safe to use on roofs, brick, stone, decks, porches and patios; says it’s even safe for your carpet
    • Works as soon as it comes into contact with ice
    • Smooth round pellets won’t get stuck in paws and works with any spreader
    • Offers a 100% customer satisfaction money back guarantee 
  • Cons
    • May leave a white residue
    • Not safe for all vegetation
  • Best Price

Ice Melt Spreaders

If you buy a tub of ice melt that doesn’t come with a scoop or you prefer a handy-dandy spreader because you have a lot of ground to cover, here are a few options to get you going.

Please protect your fur baby’s paw by using pet safe ice melt!

All prices are accurate and items in stock (unless noted otherwise) at time of publication.

(1) Comment

  1. […] Please remember to protect your pet’s paws in icy conditions by using pet-safe ice melt. Find out more here. […]

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